Keyboard Shortcuts Windows 8

Keyboard Shortcuts Windows 8

In today’s fast-paced digital world, efficiency and productivity are paramount. For Windows 8 users, mastering keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance their overall computing experience. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new Windows 8 user, knowing these keyboard shortcuts can save time and streamline your daily tasks. In this article, we’ll explore a comprehensive list of essential keyboard shortcuts for Windows 8.

Windows 8, released by Microsoft, introduced a plethora of innovative features, including the dynamic Start Screen and streamlined navigation. While using a mouse or touchpad is common, using keyboard shortcuts can significantly improve your efficiency and simplify tasks.

Navigating the Start Screen

The Start Screen is the heart of Windows 8, featuring a tiled interface that allows quick access to apps and information.

Keyboard ShortcutFunction
Windows KeyToggle between Start Screen and Desktop
Arrow KeysNavigate through tiles and apps
Enter or SpacebarOpen the selected app or tile
Windows Key + COpen Charms menu
Windows Key + TabCycle through open apps

Opening Apps

To launch an app directly from the Start Screen, press the Enter key after selecting the desired app tile using the arrow keys.

Closing Apps

To close an open app quickly, press Alt + F4 when the app is in focus.

Switching Between Apps

Move seamlessly between open apps by pressing Alt + Tab. Holding the Alt key and repeatedly pressing Tab will cycle through open apps until you release the keys.

Customizing the Start Screen

Customization is essential to make the Start Screen cater to your preferences. To resize a tile, select it and press Ctrl + Scroll Wheel on your mouse. For rearranging tiles, use the arrow keys to move the selected tile and press Enter to set it in the new location.

Windows Key Shortcuts

The Windows key (WinKey) is a powerful tool to navigate and control your Windows 8 system efficiently.

Keyboard ShortcutFunction
Windows Key + DShow Desktop (minimize all windows)
Windows Key + LLock the computer
Windows Key + EOpen File Explorer
Windows Key + ROpen the Run dialog
Windows Key + XOpen the Quick Link menu

Windows Key (WinKey)

Simply pressing the Windows key alone will toggle between the Start Screen and the last accessed app.

Windows Key + C

Press Windows Key + C to open the Charms bar on the right side of the screen, allowing you to access Search, Share, Start, Devices, and Settings.

Windows Key + D

Minimize all open windows and show the Desktop by pressing Windows Key + D. Press the same combination again to restore the windows.

Windows Key + X

A quick way to access essential system tools is by pressing Windows Key + X, which opens a context menu with options like Device Manager, Command Prompt, Control Panel, and more.

Desktop Navigation

Though the Start Screen is revolutionary, the traditional desktop is still present and can be efficiently used with these shortcuts.

Keyboard ShortcutFunction
Alt + TabSwitch between open windows
Alt + F4Close the active window
Windows Key + MMinimize all windows to the taskbar
Windows Key + Shift + MRestore minimized windows
Windows Key + HomeMinimize all windows except the active window

Minimize and Maximize Windows

To minimize the active window, press Windows Key + Down Arrow. To maximize or restore it, use Windows Key + Up Arrow.

Snap Windows Side by Side

Comparing two windows side by side is easy with Windows Key + Left Arrow to snap the current window to the left and Windows Key + Right Arrow to snap it to the right.

Show Desktop

Clear your screen clutter and quickly access the desktop by pressing Windows Key + D.

Cycle Through Open Apps

Cycle through open applications on the taskbar using Windows Key + T and then arrow keys to select the app. Press Enter to open it.

File Explorer Shortcuts

File Explorer is where you manage your files and folders, and these shortcut keys will make navigation more convenient.

Keyboard ShortcutFunction
Alt + DFocus on the address bar
Ctrl + EFocus on the search box
Ctrl + NOpen a new File Explorer window
Ctrl + Shift + NCreate a new folder
F2Rename the selected item

Open File Explorer

Launch File Explorer quickly by pressing Windows Key + E.

Rename Files or Folders

To rename a selected file or folder, press F2.

Select Multiple Files or Folders

Hold down the Ctrl key and click on multiple files or folders to select them all at once.

Copy and Paste

Copy selected files or folders by pressing Ctrl + C and paste them into the desired location with Ctrl + V.

Text Editing Shortcuts

Text editing is an everyday task, and these shortcuts will speed up your typing experience.

Keyboard ShortcutFunction
Ctrl + CCopy selected text or item(s)
Ctrl + XCut selected text or item(s)
Ctrl + VPaste copied or cut text or item(s)
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl + YRedo the last action
Ctrl + ASelect all text or items in the current context
Ctrl + FOpen Find dialog to search for text
Ctrl + HOpen Find and Replace dialog
Ctrl + HomeMove the cursor to the beginning of the document
Ctrl + EndMove the cursor to the end of the document
Ctrl + Left ArrowMove the cursor one word to the left
Ctrl + Right ArrowMove the cursor one word to the right
Ctrl + Up ArrowMove the cursor one paragraph up
Ctrl + Down ArrowMove the cursor one paragraph down
Shift + Left/Right ArrowExtend the selection one character to the left/right
Shift + Up/Down ArrowExtend the selection one line up/down
Shift + Home/EndExtend the selection to the beginning/end of the line
Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right ArrowExtend the selection one word to the left/right
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down ArrowExtend the selection one paragraph up/down
Ctrl + Shift + Home/EndExtend the selection to the beginning/end of the document

Cut, Copy, and Paste

Cut text with Ctrl + X, copy with Ctrl + C, and paste with Ctrl + V.

Undo and Redo

If you make a mistake, press Ctrl + Z to undo. To redo an action, use Ctrl + Y.

Select Text

Efficiently select text with Shift + Arrow keys or Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keys to select entire words.

Bold, Italics, and Underline

In text editors, you can apply formatting quickly by using Ctrl + B for bold, Ctrl + I for italics, and Ctrl + U for underline.

Virtual Desktops

Windows 8 introduced Virtual Desktops, allowing users to organize their workspace more efficiently.

Keyboard ShortcutFunction
Windows Key + Ctrl + DCreate a new virtual desktop
Windows Key + Ctrl + Right ArrowSwitch to the next virtual desktop
Windows Key + Ctrl + Left ArrowSwitch to the previous virtual desktop

Create a New Virtual Desktop

Press Windows Key + Ctrl + D to create a new virtual desktop, providing a clean slate for new tasks.

Switch Between Virtual Desktops

Move between virtual desktops using Windows Key + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow.

Close Virtual Desktops

To close the current virtual desktop, press Windows Key + Ctrl + F4.

Taskbar Shortcuts

The taskbar is a convenient location to access frequently used applications.

Keyboard ShortcutFunction
Windows Key + TCycle through applications on the taskbar
Windows Key + NumberLaunch or switch to a pinned app
Shift + Click on app iconOpen a new instance of the app
Windows Key + BHighlight the notification area icons
Windows Key + Alt + NumberOpen the jump list for the app

Open Taskbar Applications

Quickly open applications pinned to the taskbar by pressing Windows Key + [Number], with the number corresponding to the application’s position on the taskbar.

Cycle Through Taskbar Apps

Press Windows Key + T to cycle through the taskbar apps, and press Enter to open the desired app.

Show System Tray

Expand the system tray and view the icons by pressing Windows Key + B.

Lock the Computer

Secure your system quickly by pressing Windows Key + L to lock the computer.

General System Shortcuts

These shortcuts offer access to essential system functions.

Keyboard ShortcutFunction
Ctrl + CCopy selected item(s)
Ctrl + XCut selected item(s)
Ctrl + VPaste copied or cut item(s)
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Task Manager

Open Settings Charm

Press Windows Key + I to open the Settings charm, providing quick access to various system settings.

Lock the Screen

Securely lock your screen by pressing Windows Key + L.

Print Screen

Capture a screenshot by pressing Print Screen key.

Access Help and Support

Press F1 to access Windows 8’s Help and Support center.

Accessibility Shortcuts

Windows 8 offers accessibility features to cater to users with different needs.

Keyboard ShortcutFunction
Windows Key + UOpen Ease of Access Center
Windows Key + EnterLaunch Narrator (screen reader)
Left Alt + Left Shift + Print ScreenToggle High Contrast mode
Windows Key + +Zoom in (Magnifier)
Windows Key + –Zoom out (Magnifier)

Turn on High Contrast

Improve visual clarity with Left Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen to toggle High Contrast.

Magnify the Screen

Zoom in and out using Windows Key + Plus (+) / Minus (-) to magnify the screen.

Narrator Shortcut

Enable Narrator with Ctrl + Windows Key + Enter to have your computer read on-screen text aloud.


How can I customize the Start Screen?

To customize the Start Screen, right-click on a tile and select “Resize” or “Unpin from Start.” You can also drag and drop tiles to rearrange them according to your preference.

What is the Windows Key used for?

The Windows Key is a powerful shortcut key that can quickly open the Start Screen, switch between apps, and access essential system functions.

How do I snap windows side by side?

Press the Windows Key + Left Arrow to snap the current window to the left or Windows Key + Right Arrow to snap it to the right.

Can I create multiple virtual desktops?

Yes, you can create multiple virtual desktops to organize your tasks. Press Windows Key + Ctrl + D to create a new virtual desktop.

How do I access the settings charm?

Press Windows Key + I to open the Settings charm, providing quick access to various system settings.


Mastering keyboard shortcuts in Windows 8 can significantly boost productivity and save time for users. By navigating the Start Screen with ease, accessing important system functions, and efficiently managing files and text, you can become a more proficient user of this operating system.