Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 7

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 7

In the fast-paced digital world, every second counts, and knowing keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance your productivity. Windows 7, a popular operating system by Microsoft, offers a plethora of keyboard shortcuts that can save time and make navigation smoother. In this article, we will explore a range of useful keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7 that will help you accomplish tasks swiftly and efficiently.

1. Basic Navigation Shortcuts

Windows Key (Win): Pressing the Windows key alone opens the Start menu, allowing you to access various applications and features.

Win + D: This combination minimizes all open windows and shows the desktop. Pressing it again restores the windows.

Alt + Tab: Switch between open applications quickly without using the mouse.

Win + L: Lock your computer when you step away to protect your privacy.

Win + DShow Desktop
Alt + TabSwitch between open applications
Alt + F4Close active window or application
Win + LLock the computer
Ctrl + EscOpen Start menu
Win + Arrow KeysSnap windows to the sides or minimize/maximize

2. File Management Shortcuts

Ctrl + C / Ctrl + X / Ctrl + V: Copy, cut, and paste selected files or text.

Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action or operation.

Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder instantly in the current directory.

Shift + Delete: Permanently delete files bypassing the Recycle Bin.

Ctrl + CCopy selected item(s)
Ctrl + XCut selected item(s)
Ctrl + VPaste copied or cut item(s)
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
F2Rename selected item
Ctrl + Shift + NCreate a new folder

3. Window Management Shortcuts

Alt + F4: Close the active window or application.

Win + Up Arrow / Win + Down Arrow: Maximize or minimize the active window.

Win + Left Arrow / Win + Right Arrow: Snap the active window to the left or right side of the screen.

Win + Shift + Left Arrow / Win + Shift + Right Arrow: Move the active window to the left or right monitor in a multi-monitor setup.

Alt + SpaceShow window menu (Restore, Minimize, Maximize)
Alt + F7Move the window (when keyboard shortcuts are on)
Win + HomeMinimize all windows except the active one
Win + TCycle through applications on the taskbar
Win + 1 to Win + 9Open corresponding taskbar pinned application

4. Web Browsing Shortcuts

Ctrl + T: Open a new tab in your web browser.

Ctrl + W: Close the current tab.

Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Navigate between open tabs.

Ctrl + F: Open the “Find” dialogue box to search for specific text on the current webpage.

Ctrl + TOpen a new tab
Ctrl + WClose the current tab
Ctrl + TabSwitch to the next tab
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous tab
Ctrl + F5Refresh the page (ignore cache)
Ctrl + DBookmark the current page

5. System Shortcuts

Win + P: Quickly adjust your display settings for external monitors or projectors.

Win + Pause: Access the System Properties window.

Win + E: Open Windows Explorer for easy access to files and folders.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open the Task Manager directly to monitor and manage running processes.

Win + EOpen File Explorer
Win + ROpen the Run dialog
Win + Pause/BreakOpen System Properties
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Task Manager
Alt + F8Show the last active window’s thumbnail

6. Text Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + A: Select all text or files in the current window.

Ctrl + Backspace: Delete entire words instead of individual characters.

Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Navigate through text, word by word.

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys: Select text, word by word.

Ctrl + ASelect all text
Ctrl + XCut selected text
Ctrl + CCopy selected text
Ctrl + VPaste text
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo

7. Customizing Shortcuts

Win + X: Open the Windows Mobility Center, providing quick access to various system settings.

Win + 1 to Win + 9: Launch or switch to applications pinned on the taskbar (the number corresponds to the application’s position).

Win + (+) or Win + (-): Zoom in or out on the screen.

Win + G: Display gadgets on the desktop.

Win + UOpen Ease of Access Center
Win + PAdjust presentation settings (projector, etc.)
Win + XOpen Windows Mobility Center
Win + (+/-)Zoom in/out
Win + GCycle through Gadgets


How can I quickly lock my Windows 7 computer?

You can use the keyboard shortcut Win + L to lock your Windows 7 computer instantly.

Can I undo actions using keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7?

Yes, you can use the Ctrl + Z combination to undo the last action in various applications.

Is it possible to permanently delete files without using the Recycle Bin?

Absolutely, you can use Shift + Delete to bypass the Recycle Bin and permanently delete files.

How do I open a new tab in my web browser using a keyboard shortcut?

Press Ctrl + T to open a new tab in your web browser for seamless browsing.

Can I customize the shortcuts for specific applications in Windows 7?

Unfortunately, Windows 7 does not offer native customization for keyboard shortcuts, but some applications might allow it.


Mastering keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost your Windows 7 experience, making everyday tasks quicker and more efficient. Whether it’s navigating between windows, managing files, or customizing your system, these keyboard shortcuts offer a valuable way to streamline your workflow and save time.