Keyboard Shortcuts Visual Studio Code: Boosting Your Productivity

Visual Studio Code Shortcuts

Are you an avid programmer using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) to write code efficiently? Are you tired of constantly switching between the mouse and the keyboard to perform simple tasks? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we will explore a plethora of keyboard shortcuts for Visual Studio Code that can significantly enhance your productivity and streamline your coding experience.

Introduction to Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code, often referred to as VS Code, is a powerful and widely used source code editor developed by Microsoft. With its robust features, extensive extensions, and an active community, it has become the go-to choice for developers across the globe. But as the saying goes, “Time is money,” and using keyboard shortcuts can make a significant difference in your coding speed.

Why Use Keyboard Shortcuts?

Before we dive into the world of keyboard shortcuts, you might wonder why they matter so much. Simply put, keyboard shortcuts eliminate the need for constantly reaching for the mouse, allowing you to keep your hands on the keyboard and maintain a steady workflow. This reduces interruptions and helps you stay in the zone while coding.

Essential Setup for Custom Shortcuts

Before we explore the specific shortcuts, it’s important to know how to customize them. In VS Code, you can easily set up your own keyboard shortcuts by accessing the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab under “Preferences” or by using the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P on macOS) and searching for “Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts.”

General Navigation Shortcuts

  1. Go to File – Quickly jump to a specific file with Ctrl + P or Cmd + P on macOS.
  2. Go to Line – Move your cursor to a specific line using Ctrl + G or Cmd + G on macOS.
  3. Switch Editor – Toggle between open editors with Ctrl + Tab or Cmd + Tab on macOS.
  4. Go to Symbol – Jump to a symbol (variable, function, etc.) with Ctrl + Shift + O or Cmd + Shift + O on macOS.

Editing and Selection Shortcuts

  1. Copy and Cut Lines – Duplicate a line with Ctrl + Shift + D or Cmd + Shift + D on macOS. Cut a line with Ctrl + X or Cmd + X on macOS.
  2. Multi-Cursor Selection – Create multiple cursors by holding down Ctrl (or Cmd) and clicking at different locations.
  3. Column (Box) Selection – Select text in a columnar fashion with Alt + Shift + Drag or Option + Shift + Drag on macOS.

Code Formatting Shortcuts

  1. Format Code – Beautify your code with automatic formatting using Shift + Alt + F or Shift + Option + F on macOS.
  2. Toggle Comment – Comment or uncomment lines with Ctrl + / or Cmd + / on macOS.

Debugging Shortcuts

  1. Start and Stop Debugging – Begin debugging with F5 or fn + F5 on macOS. Stop debugging with Shift + F5 or Shift + fn + F5 on macOS.
  2. Step Over – Proceed to the next line in debugging mode with F10 or fn + F10 on macOS.

Integrated Terminal Shortcuts

  1. Toggle Terminal – Show or hide the integrated terminal with Ctrl + or Cmd + on macOS.
  2. Clear Terminal – Clear the terminal screen with Ctrl + K or Cmd + K on macOS.

Version Control Shortcuts

  1. Commit and Push – Commit your changes and push them to the remote repository with Ctrl + Shift + G or Cmd + Shift + G on macOS.
  2. Pull – Pull the latest changes from the remote repository with Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P on macOS and searching for “Git: Pull.”

Searching and Replacing Shortcuts

  1. Find and Replace – Open the search bar with Ctrl + F or Cmd + F on macOS. Replace text using Ctrl + H or Cmd + H on macOS.
  2. Find in Files – Search for text across all files with Ctrl + Shift + F or Cmd + Shift + F on macOS.

Extensions and Marketplace Shortcuts

  1. Quick Extension Install – Install extensions directly from the marketplace using Ctrl + Shift + X or Cmd + Shift + X on macOS.
  2. Show Extensions Sidebar – Access the Extensions sidebar with Ctrl + Shift + E or Cmd + Shift + E on macOS.

Customizing Your Own Shortcuts

To further optimize your workflow, you can create your own custom keyboard shortcuts. Go to “Keyboard Shortcuts” under “Preferences” and click on the “keybindings.json” link to define your personalized shortcuts.

Advanced Navigation Shortcuts

  1. Navigate History – Go back and forward in your code’s history with Ctrl + – or Cmd + – on macOS for backward and Ctrl + Shift + – or Cmd + Shift + – on macOS for forward.

Emmet Abbreviations for HTML and CSS

  1. Expand Abbreviation – Use Tab or Enter to expand Emmet abbreviations for HTML and CSS.

Snippet Shortcuts for Faster Coding

  1. Insert Snippet – Utilize predefined code snippets with Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P on macOS and searching for “Insert Snippet.”

Boosting Productivity with Multi-Cursor Editing

One of the lesser-known gems of Visual Studio Code is the ability to use multiple cursors for simultaneous editing. To use this feature, press and hold the Alt key while making selections with the mouse.

Refactoring with Shortcuts

  1. Rename Symbol – Rename symbols throughout the codebase with F2 or fn + F2 on macOS.
  2. Extract Function – Extract a block of code into a separate function with Ctrl + Shift + R or Cmd + Shift + R on macOS.


How can I see the full list of shortcuts in Visual Studio Code?

To view the complete list of keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl + K, followed by Ctrl + S, or Cmd + K, followed by Cmd + S on macOS.

Can I use my own custom keybindings for specific extensions?

Yes, you can set custom keybindings for extensions. Go to “Keyboard Shortcuts” under “Preferences” and click on the “keybindings.json” link to define your custom shortcuts.

How do I reset my shortcuts to default settings?

To reset your shortcuts to the default settings, go to “Keyboard Shortcuts” under “Preferences” and click on the gear icon in the top-right corner. Then, select “Reset Keybinding to Default.”

What are some useful extensions for optimizing shortcuts?

Some popular extensions that can enhance your shortcut experience include “AutoHotkey” and “Shortcuts for VSCode.”

How can I use keyboard shortcuts on macOS?

Keyboard shortcuts on macOS generally involve using the Cmd key instead of Ctrl. For example, to copy, use Cmd + C instead of Ctrl + C. For pasting, use Cmd + V instead of Ctrl + V.


In conclusion, mastering keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio Code is a game-changer for developers looking to boost their productivity. By utilizing these time-saving techniques, you can streamline your coding workflow and focus on what matters most: writing exceptional code.

Now, go ahead and start incorporating these shortcuts keys into your daily coding routine, and watch your efficiency soar!