Shortcut Keys of Computer [ All in One Shortcut Keys PDF 2024]

shortcut keys of computer

Hello Guys, today in this article you will get the Best 200+ Shortcut Keys of Computer, and also we will learn about how we can use these shortcut keys to increase the speed of working on the computer many times.

What Is a Keyboard Shortcut?

In computing, a keyboard shortcut is a set of 1 or more keys that evoke a command in software or operating systems.

They’re typically an alternate means for invoking commands that might preferably be accessible only through a menu, a mouse, or a side of the computer program.

If you understand these shortcuts, then you can increase the speed of working on the computer many times.

What does it work for?

We have yet to know in this article what is a Keyboard Shortcut. Now we will know about its use, what does it work for?

To Do ThisPress Key
You can search for some words by the pressCTRL + F
Close the windowsALT + F4
Save the file you’ve doneCTRL + S
Open File ExplorerWindows Key + E
Hide/display the current windowWindows Key + D
CopyCTRL + C
PasteCTRL + P

There are some common shortcuts mentioned above that by using these shortcuts we can perform these things.

General Shortcut Keys of Computer

General Shortcut Keys of Computer
To Do ThisPress Key
Rename the selected itemF2
Search for a file or folderF3
Refresh the active windowF5
Select all items in a document or windowCTRL + A
Copy the selected itemCTRL + C
Cut the selected itemCTRL + X
Paste the selected itemCTRL + V
Move the selected to the recycle binDELETE Key
Delete the selected item permanentlySHIFT + DELETE
Select more than one itemSHIFT + Any Arrow key
Open or close the Start menuWindow Key
Open MagnifierWIN + Plus
Close MagnifierWIN + ESCAPE
Open the advance menuWIN + X
Open the settingWIN + I
Open the charm barWIN + H
Highlight the notification arrowWIN + B
Open CortanaWIN + C
Open File ExplorerWIN + E
Open Run windowWIN + R
Go to the lock screenWIN + L
Minimize all open windowsWIN + M
Restore all minimize windowsWIN + SHIFT + M

Advance Shortcut Keys of Computer

Here is we can see some Advance Shortcut Keys hope you like this

To Do ThisPress Key
Close window and Shut down or restart WindowALT + F4
Switch open itemsALT + TAB
Open the menu for the active windowALT + SPACEBAR
Close the active document or file etcCTRL + F4
Search for computerCTRL + Win + F
Copy selected itemCTRL + Insert
Display start menuCTRL + ESC
Restart the computerCTRL + ALT + DEL
Dock the active window to the left half of the screenWIN + Left Arrow
Dock the active window to the right half of the screenWIN + Right Arrow
Maximize the active window vertically and horizontallyWIN + Up Arrow
Restore or minimize the active windowWIN + Down Arrow
Switch input language and keyboard layoutWIN + Spacebar
Display the system propertiesWIN + BREAK
Take a picture of the screen
{Computer>Pictures>Screenshots folder}
Create a new virtual desktopWIN + CTRL + D
Close the current virtual desktopWIN + CTRL + F4
Hide/Display all nonactive windowsWIN + HOME

Internet Explorer Shortcut Keys of Computer

Internet Explorer Shortcut Keys of Computer

Here is we can see some Internet Explorer Shortcut Keys

To Do ThisPress Key
Refresh pageF5
Go back to the previous pageAlt + Left Arrow/Backspace
Go to next pageAlt + Right Arrow
Move a selected item down the favorites listAlt + Down Arrow
Zoom in or outCTRL + ( + or -)
Add ( www. ) at the beginning and ( .com ) to the end of any text entered in the Address barCTRL + Enter
Add the current site to your favoritesCTRL + D
Display your favoritesCTRL + I
Open a new windowCTRL + N
Print the current pageCTRL + P
Open a new tabCTRL + T
Closes tabs in the backgroundCTRL + F4
Switch between tabsCTRL + Tab
Revert close tabCTRL + SHIFT + T
Move up one pageSHIFT + Spacebar

Google Chrome Shortcut Keys

Google Chrome Shortcut Keys

Shortcut KeyAction
Ctrl+TOpen a new tab
Ctrl+WClose the current tab
Ctrl+TabSwitch to the next tab
Ctrl+Shift+TabSwitch to the previous tab
Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+8Switch to the corresponding tab (Ctrl+1 for the first tab, Ctrl+2 for the second, and so on)
Ctrl+9Switch to the last tab

Most Useful Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts

Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts
To Do ThisPress Key
For copyCtrl + C
For pasteCtrl + V
For cutCtrl + X
SaveCtrl + S
Open new DocumentCtrl + N
Automatically place the current Date on the documentAlt + Shift + D
Insert links into a documentCtrl + K
Remove unwanted formatting. Ctrl + Space
Search windowCtrl + F
Replace windowCtrl + H
Delete entire words at a time.Ctrl+ Backspace
Decrease the font sizeCtrl + Shift + <
Increase the font sizeCtrl + Shift + >
Toggles through capitalization options.Shift + F3
To move the cursor to the location where it was when you last edited before saving the document.Shift + F5

Most Useful Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcut

Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcut
To Do ThisPress Key
Create a new workbook.Ctrl + N
Close the active workbook.Ctrl + F4 / Ctrl + W
Open an existing workbook.Ctrl + O
Save the active workbook.Ctrl + S
Open the “Print” dialog / print preview window.Ctrl + P
Undo your last action.Ctrl + Z
Save the active workbook under a new name, displays the Save as dialog box.F12
Copy the contents of the selected cells to Clipboard.Ctrl + C
Insert the contents of the Clipboard into the selected cell.Ctrl + V
Cut the contents of the selected cells to Clipboard.Ctrl + X

Top 10 Power Point Shortcut keys

Power Point Shortcut keys
To Do ThisPress Key
Insert a picture in your fileAlt + N [ or ] P
Select a slide layoutAlt + H
Start the slide showF5
End the slide showEsc
Select a themeAlt + G [ or ] H
Select a slide layoutAlt + H [ or ] L
Go to the Insert tabAlt + N
Open the font windowCtrl + T
Increases the font size of the selected textCtrl + Shift + >
Decrease the font size of the selected textCtrl + Shift + <

Best Microsoft Outlook Shortcut Keys

Best Microsoft Outlook Shortcut Keys
To Do ThisPress Key
To reply to an e-mailCtrl + R
To forward an e-mailCtrl + F
Create a new messageCtrl + Shift + M
Send a messageAlt + S
Insert a fileAlt + N, A, F
Go to CalendarCtrl+2
Check for new messagesCtrl + M [ or ] F9
Opens the inboxCtrl + Shift + I
Create a new contactCtrl + Shift + C
Mark a message as not junkCtrl + Alt + J

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 7

Win + DShow Desktop
Alt + TabSwitch between open applications
Alt + F4Close active window or application
Win + LLock the computer
Ctrl + EscOpen Start menu
Win + Arrow KeysSnap windows to the sides or minimize/maximize

Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts Keys

Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts Keys

Command Prompt keyboard shortcuts

To Do ThisPress Key
Enter Mark mode.Ctrl + M
Copy the selected text.Ctrl + C [ or ] Ctrl + Insert
Paste the selected text.Ctrl + V [ or ] Shift + Insert
Move the cursor in the specified direction.Arrow keys
Move up one line in the output history.Ctrl + Up arrow
Move down one line in the output history.Ctrl + Down arrow
Move the cursor by one page up.Page up
Move the cursor by one page down.Page down

File Explorer keyboard shortcuts

To Do ThisPress Key
Select the search box.Ctrl + F [ or] Ctrl + E
Open a new window.Ctrl + N
Close the active window.Ctrl + W
Create a new folder.Ctrl + Shift + N
Change the size and appearance of file and folder icons.Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel
Display all folders above the selected folder.Ctrl + Shift + E
Display the preview panel.Alt + P
Open the Properties dialog box for the selected item.Alt + Enter
View the next folder.Alt + Right arrow
View the folder that the folder was in. Alt + UP arrow
View the previous folder.Alt + Left arrow [ or ] Backspace
Display the top of the active window.Home
Maximize or minimize the active window.F11

Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts Keys

Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts Keys
To Do ThisPress Key
Open Widgets paneWin + W
Open Quick SettingsWin + A
Open Teams Chat app from TaskbarWin + C
Open Notification CenterWin + N
Open the Snap Layouts flyoutWin + Z
Launch Emoji keyboardWin + .
Open Game barWin + G
Launch the Voice TypingWin + H

Browser Shortcut Keys

If you are a frequent internet user, you must know these browser shortcut keys. They can help you navigate through your web browser quickly and efficiently. For example, if you want to open a new tab, press Ctrl + T, and a new tab will open.

If you accidentally close a tab, you can reopen it by pressing Ctrl + Shift + T. You can use Ctrl + F to find specific words or phrases on a page, while Ctrl + H will show you the browsing history. Ctrl + D can be used to bookmark the current page, and F5 can be used to refresh the page.

To Do ThisPress Key
Open a new tabCtrl + T
Close the current tabCtrl + W
Reopen the last closed tabCtrl + Shift + T
Switch to the next tabCtrl + Tab
Switch to the previous tabCtrl + Shift + Tab
FindCtrl + F
HistoryCtrl + H
Open a new browser windowCtrl + N
PrintCtrl + P
Bookmark the current pageCtrl + D
Refresh the current page or windowF5

List of Mac keyboard shortcuts Keys

Mac keyboard shortcuts Keys

These are some important Mac keyboard shortcut keys for working faster with your MacBook. Follow the shortcut keys list below then you will be able to work faster with your MacBook.

Common Mac Shortcut Keys

Here are some of the most common shortcut keys used on a Mac:

To Do ThisPress Key
Copy the selected itemCommand-C
Cut the selected itemCommand-X
Paste the copied itemCommand-V
RedoCommand + Y
UndoCommand + Z
Select All items.Command-A
Hide the windows of the front app.
To view the front app but hide all other apps
Minimize the front window to the Dock.
To minimize all windows of the front app
Open the selected item, or open a dialog to select a file to openCommand-O
Close the front window. To close all windows of the appCommand-W
Open a new tabCommand-T
Save the current document.Command-S
Print the current document.Command-P
FindCommand + F

Safari Shortcut Keys

Safari is the default web browser on a Mac. Here are some useful shortcut keys for using Safari:

To Do ThisPress Key
Open new tabCommand + T
Close current tabCommand + W
Reopen last closed tabCommand + Shift + T
Reload current pageCommand + R
Search in pageCommand + Option + F
Select address barCommand + L
Add current page to bookmarksCommand + D

Function Keys Shortcut in Windows

To Do ThisPress Key
Find filesF3
Opens fileF4
Turn on caret browsingF7
Save FileF12

5 secret shortcut keys of Computer

To Do ThisPress Key
Open My ComputerWindows key + E
Open Run Dialogue BoxWindows key + R
Open the task managerCtrl + Shift + Esc key
Open the Clipboard app Windows key + V
PasteShift + Insert

Alt shortcut keys in computer

To Do ThisPress Key
Smiley face Alt + 1
Black smiley face☻ Alt + 2
Heart Alt + 3
Diamond Alt + 4
Club Alt + 5
Spade Alt + 6
Dot symbol Alt + 7
Alt + 8
Alt + 9
Alt + 10
Male sign Alt + 11
Female sign Alt + 12
Eight Note Alt + 13
Single Bar Note Alt + 14
Sun Alt + 15
Right ArrowAlt + 16
Left ArrowAlt + 17
UpDown ArrowAlt + 18
Alt + 19
Alt + 20
§Alt + 21
Alt + 22
Alt + 23
Alt + 24
Alt + 25
Alt + 26
Alt + 27
Alt + 28
Alt + 29
Alt + 30
Alt + 31
SpaceAlt + 32
!Alt + 33
Alt + 34
#Alt + 35
$Alt + 36
%Alt + 37
&Alt + 38
Alt + 39
(Alt + 40
)Alt + 41
*Alt + 42
+Alt + 43
,Alt + 44
Alt + 45
.Alt + 46
/Alt + 47
0 [ Zero ]Alt + 48
1 [ One ]Alt + 49
2 [ Two ]Alt + 50

How to make symbols with keyboard

Here is we can see How to make symbols with a keyboard, These sign only work with the left side of Alt button

How to make symbols with keyboard
To Do ThisPress Key
☺ Smiley faceAlt + 1
☻ Black smiley faceAlt + 2
♥ HeartAlt + 3
♦ DiamondAlt + 4
♣ ClubAlt + 5
♠ SpadeAlt + 6
• Dot symbolAlt + 7
Alt + 8
Alt + 9
Alt + 10
♂ Male signAlt + 11
♀ Female signAlt + 12
♪ Eight NoteAlt + 13
♫ Single Bar NoteAlt + 14
☼ SunAlt + 15

ALT Codes for Currency Symbols & Signs

To Do ThisPress Key
$ Dollar SignAlt + 36
¢ Cent SignAlt + 155
£ Pound SignAlt + 156
¥ Yen SignAlt + 157
€ Euro SignAlt + 0128

Note: For the indian currency symbol we can use simply below shortcut key

CTRL + SHIFT + 4 ( 4 Top side button ) 

How to Create Custom Keyboard Shortcuts keys?

Method 1: By using Start Menu

If you are creating a keyboard shortcut for “For your Windows system”, any application that is installed via direct download except applications from the Windows Store, you can create a shortcut directly from the Start menu.

#1: Open the Start Menu.

You can open the start menu by using this shortcut key: Windows key or Ctrl + Esc

#2: Navigate the application icon.

Navigate to the app icon for the application you want to create a shortcut key for. you can find it by scrolling through the application list.

windows start menu

#3: Open file location.

Right click on the app which is for you want to add shortcut key and click on Open file location.

open file location

#4: Right click on the App shortcut icon and select Properties.

windows app properties

#5: Enter a key combination in the [Shortcut key] box then click on Ok button.

custom chrome shortcut keys

Bingo You have now successfully created a custom computer shortcut key for your particular application.

Windows Computer Shortcut Keys pdf

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Question and answer about computer shortcut keys

What is the shortcut key of making new folder in computer?

Crtl + Shift + N: Shortcut key for make a new folder

What is the shortcut key for underline?

Crtl+U: shortcut key for underline text

What are keyboard shortcuts for refresh?

F5(function key): Shortcut key for refresh

What is the shortcut key for a computer sleep mode?

Alt+F4: shortcut key for open sleep mode window

What is the shortcut to check system properties?

Win+Pause/Break: Shortcut key for check check system properties

Help shortcut key in computer?

F1 -: Universal help window
WINKEY + F1 -: Display the Microsoft Windows help

What is the use of f7 key in computer?

The F7 key is mostly used to spell and grammar check a document in Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, and other Office products. Shift+F7 runs a Thesaurus check on the highlighted word.

Shortcut key for copy in computer?

CTRL + C :- Copy the selected item

What is the shortcut key for select all?

Ctrl+A :- Select all

Save shortcut in computer?

Ctrl+S :- Save

How to take screenshot in windows 10?

Shift + Windows Key + S [ or ] Windows Key + PrtSc

keyboard shortcut for search windows 10

Ctrl + F: Search Window

keyboard shortcut to lock computer

Windows Key + L : lock computer

How do you minimize a screen using the keyboard?

Windows Key + D : Minimize Screen

what is the shortcut key for undo?

Ctrl + Z : Shortcut key for undo

How to close a program on windows with keyboard?

Alt+F4: close a program on windows

What is F1 f2 f3 F4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 F11 F12?

At the top of a computer keyboard are function keys labelled F1 through F12.

Shortcut keys for Close the current document or webpage

Ctrl + W