Keyboard shortcut / methods to delete a row in Excel

Keyboard shortcut methods to delete a row in Excel

Hello Friends In, this article we’ll explore different methods and keyboard shortcuts, including the “delete row shortcut Excel,” to help you delete rows in Excel more efficiently. These techniques will help you work with your data more effectively.

In today’s digital world, knowing how to use spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel is crucial for students, professionals, and business owners. Excel provides many tools to streamline data manipulation and analysis. One common task that Excel users often face is deleting rows in a spreadsheet.

Understanding Excel Rows

Let’s start by understanding what rows are in Excel. In Excel, a worksheet is made up of a grid of cells organized into columns and rows. Rows run horizontally and are labeled with numbers, starting from 1 and increasing as you go down the sheet. Each row consists of cells that can hold various types of data, such as text, numbers, or formulas. Having a clear understanding of how rows are structured will enable us to navigate and manipulate data more effectively.

Excel offers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts that can streamline your work. Here are some popular ones:

  1. Ctrl+C: Copy selected cells.
  2. Ctrl+V: Paste copied cells.
  3. Ctrl+Z: Undo the last action.
  4. Ctrl+Y: Redo the last undone action.
  5. Ctrl+S: Save the workbook.
  6. Ctrl+A: Select the entire worksheet.
  7. Ctrl+Home: Navigate to the first cell in the worksheet.
  8. Ctrl+End: Navigate to the last used cell in the worksheet.

Here are some of Excel’s most useful shortcut keys. If you want to read more Excel shortcuts, you can refer to this comprehensive guide for Excel shortcut keys from A to Z.

Deleting Rows in Excel

Now let’s focus on deleting rows in Excel. There are several methods you can use, depending on your preference and the specific situation. Let’s explore each method step by step:

Method 1: Using the Ctrl+Minus (-) Shortcut

One of the quickest ways to delete rows in Excel is by using the Ctrl+Minus (-) keyboard shortcut. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the entire row(s) you want to delete by clicking on the row number(s).
  2. Press the Ctrl key and the minus (-) key simultaneously.
  3. A dialog box will appear asking whether you want to shift cells up or left. Choose the appropriate option based on your needs.
  4. Click on “OK” to delete the selected row(s).

Method 2: Using the Context Menu

Another way to delete rows is by using the context menu. Here’s how:

  1. Right-click on the row number of the row you want to delete.
  2. From the context menu that appears, select “Delete.”
  3. Choose the option to shift cells up or left, depending on your requirements.
  4. Click on “OK” to delete the row.

Method 3: Using the Ribbon Menu

Excel provides a ribbon menu that offers various options for manipulating data. To delete rows using the ribbon menu, follow these steps:

  1. Select the row(s) you wish to delete.
  2. Navigate to the “Home” tab in the Excel ribbon.
  3. In the “Cells” group, click on the “Delete” button.
  4. Choose whether to shift cells up or left.
  5. Click on “OK” to delete the row.

Method 4: Using the Delete Key

If you prefer a simple keyboard shortcut without the need for dialog boxes, you can use the Delete key. Here’s how:

  1. Select the row(s) you want to delete.
  2. Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
  3. The selected row(s) will be deleted instantly, shifting the cells above them up.

Method 5: Using the Go To Special Function

The Go To Special function in Excel allows you to select specific types of cells. Here’s how you can use it to delete rows:

  1. Select the entire range of cells that you want to search within.
  2. Press Ctrl+G or F5 to open the “Go To” dialog box.
  3. Click on the “Special” button.
  4. In the “Go to Special” dialog box, choose “Row differences” and click on “OK.”
  5. The rows with differences will be selected.
  6. Right-click on the selected rows and choose “Delete” from the context menu.
  7. Select the option to shift cells up or left.
  8. Click on “OK” to delete the rows.


Deleting rows in Excel can be accomplished through various methods and shortcuts. By using keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Minus (-), the context menu, the ribbon menu, the Delete key, or the Go To Special function, you can efficiently remove unwanted data from your spreadsheets. Incorporating these techniques into your Excel workflow will save you time and streamline your data manipulation tasks. Remember to be cautious while deleting rows and make use of the undo feature if needed.