How Easy is it to Make an App?

If you’re an aspiring developer, you’ve probably thought about what it takes to build an app. Sure, there’s the technical side – programming languages, frameworks, and APIs. However, some people don’t realize that building an app is not as simple as just slapping together code on a server and calling it done. There are many other aspects to developing apps, like marketing, design, user experience (UX), and more. It can be overwhelming for developers who have never worked in this space.

This article looks at the basics of developing an app from scratch. It will also talk about app builders and how you can use them to easily create amazing applications.

What You Need to Make an App from Scratch

As mentioned earlier, many different aspects are involved in creating an app. You need to learn about these different components to make an app that stands out among the rest.

Programming Language

The first thing you need to do when making an app is to pick a language. This step is very important because it sets the foundation for everything else. A programming language determines how data is stored, how data is manipulated, and even how the application looks.

When choosing a programming language, it all comes down to knowing what you want to achieve through coding. As long as you understand the fundamentals behind the language you’re using, you should be fine. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to go beyond knowing more than one language. There are tons of resources online, such as videos, books, and online courses, that can help you.


A framework gives you all the basic elements you need to start coding. Most frameworks include libraries, classes, and templates. Some even include pre-built UI widgets. Frameworks help you quickly get started so that you don’t have to worry about anything besides the actual development process.


APIs give you access to third-party services or tools. They allow you to connect to databases, web servers, payment systems, and more. When you know which APIs are available, you can create connections between them and your application. For example, if you want to support fingerprint or face ID authentication, you can use the APIs for those services.

Design and User Experience

Designing an app includes choosing colors, fonts, icons, layouts, and more. These decisions not only affect the aesthetics of the app but also impact the user experience. User experience refers to how someone feels when using your app. It’s an aspect that greatly influences whether or not users keep using your app. To ensure that your app meets their expectations, you must pay close attention to its interface. You can conduct UX research to know what works best, or you can simply try to implement features based on feedback from real users.

Using an App Builder to Make an App

Building an app from scratch requires you to know how to code, design, and plan. If you want to remove some of that burden, consider using an application builder. An app builder allows you to build apps without writing any code. Instead, you’re given visual interfaces that let you drag and drop various elements onto your page. The app builder provides several pre-made UI widgets and other things you can use to develop your application.

Benefits of Using an App Builder

Here are some of the benefits of using an app builder:

Saves Time

App builders provide you with lots of ready-to-use components. Instead of creating these yourself, you can just drag and drop them where you want them. This saves time since you won’t have to spend weeks learning how to code or writing an app’s code from scratch. You can simply use the app builder to build an app within days.

Improves Productivity 

When you’re building an app from scratch, you’ll need people with different expertise to work together. A team will need a developer, designer, writer, and more to complete your project. 

On the other hand, when you use an app builder, it’s much easier to get started. Team members who don’t have programming knowledge can still contribute to the app’s development. As such, it makes your team more efficient and improves collaboration among coworkers.

Reduces Costs

When using an app builder, you don’t have to pay developers to create an app for you. There’s access to tons of free resources, which means you can save money. If you’re an aspiring developer, using an app builder is a great opportunity for you to get started.

Variety of Apps

Using an app builder doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself. There are different app builders out there, so you can choose one that fits your needs. Some of them even offer templates specifically designed for certain industries and purposes. From templates for e-commerce platforms to social media apps, there’s an app builder for you. 

The Bottom Line

While it can be challenging to build an app from scratch, it can be easier now, thanks to app builders. They’re useful tools that allow you to focus on the important aspects of development instead of spending hours trying to figure out everything on your own. Whether you’re looking to start a business or improve your career, using an app builder can help kickstart your journey.

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