How to add custom validation to a WordPress contact form?

In the realm of WordPress development, enhancing user experience is paramount. One crucial aspect of this is ensuring that the contact forms on your website are not only user-friendly but also secure.

in this article, we will delve into the intricate art of adding custom validation to a WordPress contact form, elevating your website’s functionality and security to new heights.

WordPress, the most popular content management system, offers a wide array of plugins and tools to customize your website. Among these, contact forms are indispensable for engaging with your audience. However, to prevent spam and ensure data accuracy, adding custom validation is essential.

Understanding Custom Validation

Before we dive into the technicalities, let’s demystify custom validation. In simple terms, it’s the process of setting specific rules for user input in a contact form. These rules determine what is acceptable and what isn’t, helping you maintain data integrity and enhance user experience.

Why Custom Validation Matters

Custom validation isn’t just a fancy feature; it’s a necessity. Here’s why it matters:

  1. Enhanced Security: Custom validation safeguards your website from malicious inputs, reducing the risk of cyberattacks.
  2. Improved User Experience: It ensures that users submit accurate and valid information, reducing frustration and errors.
  3. Data Accuracy: Custom validation guarantees that the data collected through contact forms is reliable, aiding your decision-making process.

Steps to Add Custom Validation to a WordPress Contact Form

Now, let’s get practical. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add custom validation to your WordPress contact form:

Step 1: Choose the Right Plugin Begin by selecting a reliable form builder plugin. Popular options include Contact Form 7, WPForms, and Gravity Forms.

Step 2: Install and Activate the Plugin Once you’ve chosen your plugin, install and activate it on your WordPress website.

Step 3: Create a New Form Use the plugin to create a new contact form or edit an existing one.

Step 4: Define Validation Rules Within the form builder, you can define validation rules for each field. For instance, you can set a minimum character limit for the “Message” field or require a valid email format for the “Email” field.

Step 5: Test Your Form Before deploying your custom validation, it’s crucial to thoroughly test the form to ensure it works as intended.

Step 6: Implement Error Messages To guide users, create clear and concise error messages for each validation rule.

Step 7: Save and Publish Once you’re satisfied with your custom validation settings, save your form and publish it on your website.

Advanced Custom Validation Techniques

For those seeking to take their WordPress forms to the next level, consider these advanced techniques:

  1. Conditional Logic: Set rules that trigger specific actions based on user input.
  2. Regular Expressions: Utilize regex patterns for precise validation.
  3. Integration with CAPTCHA: Enhance security by integrating CAPTCHA challenges.
  4. Third-Party API Integration: Validate data against external sources for added accuracy.

Step by Step Guide to add validation in custom form in WordPress

To add custom validation to a WordPress contact form, you’ll need to use a combination of WordPress hooks, JavaScript, and possibly some server-side code if necessary. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

Step 1: Create Your Contact Form

First, make sure you have a contact form created in WordPress. You can use a plugin like Contact Form 7 or WPForms to create your form. Once you have your form set up, take note of the form’s ID or class as you’ll need it in later steps.

Step 2: Enqueue JavaScript

You’ll need to enqueue a custom JavaScript file in your WordPress theme to handle the form validation. Add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file to include your JavaScript file:

function enqueue_custom_scripts() {
    wp_enqueue_script('custom-validation', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/custom-validation.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);

add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_custom_scripts');

This code enqueues a script called custom-validation.js located in your theme’s js directory.

Step 3: Create the JavaScript Validation

Create a new JavaScript file named custom-validation.js in your theme’s js directory and add the following code to it:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    // Replace '.your-form-class' with the actual class or ID of your form
    $('.your-form-class').submit(function(event) {
        // Add your custom validation logic here
        var isValid = true;

        // Example: Check if the email field is empty
        var emailField = $('#email');
        if (emailField.val() === '') {
            alert('Email field cannot be empty');
            isValid = false;

        // Add more validation checks as needed

        if (!isValid) {
            event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form submission

In this code, you need to replace '.your-form-class' with the actual class or ID of your form, and add your custom validation logic inside the submit event handler. The example provided checks if the email field is empty and displays an alert if it is.

Server-Side Contact form Validation in WordPress

Certainly, let’s implement server-side validation for your WordPress contact form in English. Server-side validation is crucial to ensure the security and reliability of the data submitted through your form. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Open Your Theme’s functions.php File

First, you need to edit your WordPress theme’s functions.php file. You can do this by accessing your WordPress dashboard, navigating to “Appearance,” and selecting “Theme Editor.” Locate and open the functions.php file.

Step 2: Add Server-Side Validation Logic

In your functions.php file, you can add server-side validation logic by hooking into the form submission process. Here’s an example of how to do it:

// Define a custom validation function
function custom_form_validation($data) {
    // Retrieve form field values
    $name = sanitize_text_field($data['name']);
    $email = sanitize_email($data['email']);
    $message = sanitize_textarea_field($data['message']);

    // Initialize an array to store error messages
    $errors = array();

    // Perform validation checks
    if (empty($name)) {
        $errors['name'] = 'Name is required.';

    if (!is_email($email)) {
        $errors['email'] = 'Invalid email address.';

    if (empty($message)) {
        $errors['message'] = 'Message is required.';

    // If there are errors, return them
    if (!empty($errors)) {
        return $errors;

    // If no errors, return true to indicate success
    return true;

// Hook into form submission and validate data
function handle_form_submission() {
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && isset($_POST['your-form-submit'])) {
        // Perform server-side validation
        $validation_result = custom_form_validation($_POST);

        // If validation failed, display error messages
        if (is_array($validation_result)) {
            foreach ($validation_result as $field => $error) {
                echo '<p class="error-message">' . esc_html($error) . '</p>';
        } else {
            // Process the form data here (e.g., send email, save to database)
            // You can add your data processing logic in this section

            // Display a success message
            echo '<p class="success-message">Your message has been successfully submitted.</p>';

// Hook into WordPress action to handle form submission
add_action('template_redirect', 'handle_form_submission');
  • We define a custom validation function custom_form_validation that checks each form field for errors.
  • We hook into the form submission process using the template_redirect action and call the handle_form_submission function.
  • Inside handle_form_submission, we validate the form data using custom_form_validation.
  • If validation fails, we display error messages for each field.
  • If validation succeeds, you can add your custom logic to process the form data (e.g., send an email or save it to a database) and display a success message.

Make sure to replace 'your-form-submit' with the actual name or ID of your form’s submit button.

Step 3: Display Error Messages in Your Contact Form

Finally, you need to modify your contact form HTML to display any error messages generated by the server-side validation. Place this code within your form HTML, typically where you want to display errors:

<?php if (!empty($errors['name'])) : ?>
    <p class="error-message"><?php echo esc_html($errors['name']); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if (!empty($errors['email'])) : ?>
    <p class="error-message"><?php echo esc_html($errors['email']); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if (!empty($errors['message'])) : ?>
    <p class="error-message"><?php echo esc_html($errors['message']); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>

This code checks if there are errors for each form field and displays them as error messages.


In the ever-evolving world of web development, optimizing your WordPress contact forms with custom validation is a step towards excellence. It enhances security, ensures data accuracy, and delivers a seamless user experience. As you embark on this journey to fortify your website’s contact forms, remember that customization knows no bounds. Tailor your validation rules to suit your unique needs and watch as your WordPress website becomes a fortress of reliability.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is custom validation in WordPress contact forms?

Custom validation in WordPress contact forms involves setting specific rules for user input to enhance security and data accuracy.

Which plugin is best for adding custom validation to contact forms?

Popular choices include Contact Form 7, WPForms, and Gravity Forms.

Why is custom validation important for contact forms?

Custom validation enhances security, improves user experience, and ensures data accuracy.

Can I use regular expressions for custom validation?

Yes, regular expressions are a powerful tool for precise validation.

What is conditional logic in custom validation?

Conditional logic allows you to set rules that trigger specific actions based on user input.

How can I integrate CAPTCHA for added security?

You can integrate CAPTCHA challenges to further secure your contact forms against spam.

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